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Implicit Bias in Policing
Implicit bias refers to the unconscious thoughts or actions that we have toward a specific group of people. You can see implicit bias when dealing with skin color, ethnicity, or gender identity. Implicit bias in…
What You Need to Know About Web Design Services
Web design is a fundamental part of any business. To be successful businesses use a website to communicate their goods and services. If you are thinking of starting web design services, there are some important…
What Is the Best Voice Server Platform
If you’re a gamer, you obviously know how important it is to communicate with your team members in order to have a successful game. While most multiplayer games these days allow players to communicate with…
Do You Need Pest Prevention or Pest Control
Pest prevention and pest control might seem like they mean the same thing, but they are actually quite different. This video gives a brief breakdown of the key differences. Pest prevention is a proactive approach…
What Crisfield Homeowners Should Know About New Roof Installation
While it is true that no roof lasts forever, some roofers try to convince homeowners that they need a new roof installation long before they actually do. Most local roofing contractors are more reputable than…
Everyday Elegance 10 Luxury Home Design Ideas
A new trend is taking hold of homeowners worldwide: luxury home designs ideas. More luxurious houses are replacing ordinary everyday cookie-cutter homes. Luxury home design offers more than just a place to live. They provide…