Many businesses have to consider whether they’re going to use cloud-based voice hosting services instead of a premise-based PBX system. The Youtube video “5 Reasons to Use a Hosted Voice Solution” shows why you should pick voice hosting and its benefits. Let’s find out more!
First, it offers more flexibility. If your business goes through seasons where no one calls and other times when calls don’t stop coming such as Christmas, you want to use this service.
Using this solution, you can call the company, tell them how many additional phones you need, and they’ll program everything for you.
Another reason why you should choose this option is the cost. Your business might have a traditional T1, PRI services, and perhaps a few SIP or analog trunks, which involve a monthly bill. However, with a cloud-based solution, you can take the dial tone and all those numbers and place them in a port, saving you that money.
The third reason why it’s best to go for this option is the feature set. You can find all kinds of features with cloud-based hosting such as SMS texting, mobility, conferencing, auto-attending, and much more.
You can check the rest of the video for more details about voice hosting services.